Captain, nautical officers, engineers and maritime officers of high-speed vessels must be in possession of the Type Rating High-Speed Craft (Type Rating HSC) certificate for the high-speed ship on which they operates.
For the issuance of the Type Rating HSC certificate, the applicant has successfully completed a recognized training that complies with Regulation 18.3.3 of Resolution MSC.97(73) of the Maritime Safety Committee adopted International Code for the Safety of High-Speed Ships (High-Speed Craft Code, 2000).
You can apply for via the Type Rating High-Speed Craft certificate application form (Dutch). A fully completely application form with the required supporting documents, as mentioned in point 5 in the application form, should be send by e-mail to
The rate for the personal dispensation is legally determined by the Dutch government in the Regeling tarieven transportsectoren (Dutch) and includes 21% VAT. A Type Rating High-Speed Craft certificate costs €176,66.
You must pay afterwards. When Kiwa Register receives your application, an invoice is sent to you.
You can find more information via the Frequently Asked Questions.