Kiwa Register is committed to efficiently processing applications for formal permits and legal licences in the transportation sector. Every year, Kiwa issues more than 100,000 permits and licences on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to natural persons and companies in aviation, maritime shipping, inland water transportation and passenger and cargo road transportation. Kiwa Register is part of Kiwa N.V., an international company in testing, inspections and certifications (TIC).
Kiwa Register emerged in 2010 when the largest department within the Transport & Water Management Inspectorate (now the Human Environment & Transport Inspectorate), which was responsible for licence issuing, began to outsource its activities. Since the outsourcing, Kiwa Register has been able to improve its licence issuing services each year: delivery times for all licences and permits have been reduced, while costs for users have decreased since 2010.
Kiwa Register is under the supervision of government and the private sector
Kiwa received a legal mandate from the Dutch House of Representatives to conduct its activities on behalf of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management. The Auditor General has appointed Kiwa Register as a ‘legal entity with a legal task’ (in Dutch: rwt).
Thanks to oversight by the government and corporate sector, Kiwa is able to provide its clients and end users transparency as an independent and reliable organisation that delivers quality services.
- Public governments. As part of its work on behalf of the government, Kiwa Register is regularly audited by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate and by the European organisations EASA (aviation) and EMSA (shipping);
- Private oversight. Kiwa Register is certified for PKI government (security and additional requirements resolution Electronic Signatures), ETSI norms 319-401, 319-411-1 en 319-411-2 regarding electronic signature emission and data protection. Kiwa performs the operational work on behalf of QTS min. Infra en Waterstaat. Kiwa Register is audited every year by the British Standards Institution. Kiwa Register B.V. is ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified.

Quality policy
Kiwa Register is dedicated to delivering quality services.
- Kiwa Register is committed to complying with all requirements of the quality management system and the ongoing improvement of the effectiveness in line with the strategic objectives;
- The quality objectives are defined every year and described in the Management review report;
- Kiwa Register has embedded its quality focus and actions in its quality management system;
- Kiwa's quality system is based on the international ISO 9001:2015 norm;
- An important principle of this norm is the use of the Deming circle. Everything we do includes the Plan, Do, Check and Act cycle, to annually improve the quality of our services and reduce our operational costs.