Note: Read more about the changed opening hours for the end-of-year period

Urgent applications for licences and permits

Do you want to quickly obtain a taxi permit, admission, flying or navigation license or seaman's book? If you use the Express Service of Kiwa Register, your application will be treated with priority. The Express Service is available for the most common licenses and authorizations in road transport, air and shipping.

What is the Express Service offered by Kiwa Register?

  • The requested product is issued no later than on the second business day (third business day for aviation products), from the date on which we receive your correctly completed application and payment.
  • Our Express Service team will personally handle your application;
  • We follow up by telephone if the application is not complete or incorrect;
  • Various delivery options:
    • Pick up at Kiwa in Rijswijk (by appointment only).
    • By regular mail. Please note: mail delivery is not included in the 3-day delivery deadline!
  • In addition to the regular fee for the product, you will pay a fee for the Express Service (fee includes delivery by regular mail). Check the specific product page for the fee which is applied to the Express Service for your product.

What products are available via Express Service?

The Kiwa Register's Express Service is available for our most frequently requested products for road transportation, aviation and shipping. Below you find an overview for each industry. For more information, please go to the overview page for the corresponding industry.

  • Road Transportation - The Express Service Road Transportation includes taxi permits, certified copies, the certificate for personal transportation within the EU and permits for entry into Russia and Belarus (bus). Please go to the product page Express Service Road Transportation for the conditions and the application forms.
  • Aviation - The Express Service Aviation currently includes all products for fight crew, based on national legislation and regulation, Part FCL and Part 66 AML. Express Service cannot be used for a first-time issue, licence transfers, expansion of a category and type rating which requires OJT (on the job training) confirmation. Please go to the product page Express Service Aviation for the conditions and application forms.
  • Shipping - The Express Service for the shipping industry includes the seaman’s book, navigation licence, recognition of the navigation licence and recognition of the certificate of competency. For the conditions and application forms, go to the product page Express Service Shipping.