Kiwa Register's Express Service Shipping will prioritise your application for a shipping document. The service includes the seaman’s book, navigation licence, recognition of the navigation licence and recognition of the certificate of competency.
If you apply for a shipping product via our Express Service, the requested product will be issued no later than on the second business day after we receive your correctly completed application form and payment. Your application will also be handled personally by an Express Service Team member. See here for more information about Express Service.
Please use the application portal to start an application.
In addition to the product fee, you will pay an additional €134.31 (including 21% VAT and delivery via regular mail) per Express Service request. If you cancel your application or your application is rejected, the Express Service fees will not be reimbursed.
To use Express Service and ensure that your product can be issued on the second business day, you must comply with a number of requirements:
When issuing a recognition of a navigation licence, recognition of proof of competency and the first-time application for a navigation licence for Dutch officers, Kiwa Register will request verification. If the contacted institution doesn't respond in a timely manner or we are unable to complete verification, we may be unable to meet our delivery date.