Merchant marine

Frequently asked questions about merchant marine licences..


Will I get my money back if I receive a negative decision?

No, if your application is rejected, the payment will not be refunded.

How do I know if my passport photo meets the requirements?

Dutch certificates of competency and certificates of proficiency The passport photo must meet the same requirements as a Dutch passport. The requirements for a passport photo can be found on the website of the Dutch government.

Seaman books
For both Dutch and foreign seafarers, the passport photo must meet the same requirements as a Dutch passport. The requirements for a passport photo can be found on the website of the Dutch government.

Foreign seafarers
For certificates of competency of recognition and for recognitions of certificates of proficiency for tankers, the passport photo may be “passport like”. This means that foreign seafarers may use a passport photo that complies with the regulations of the country in question. Kiwa Register looks at the passport of the seafarer in question for this.


Can I use alternative relevant ice experience for the issue of a Polar certificate of competence?

It is possible to use experience gained outside the Antarctic and Arctic regions to apply for a certificate of proficiency. Strict criteria apply for this. The sailing time must have been gained in one of the following geographical areas:
  • Gulf of Bothnia, north of the latitude of Hanko;
  • Gulf of Finland, east of the longitude of Hanko;
  • Barents Sea, south of the line from Bjornoya to Kanin Nos and east of the line from Bjornoya to Nordkapp;
  • White Sea;
  • Saint Lawrence River and Saint Lawrence Bay to the longitude of Belle Isle north of New Foundland and the longitude of Channel-Port-aux-Basques on the south side of New Foundland;
  • Coastal waters of the Gulf of Alaska, from the Alexander Archipelago in the east to Kodiak Island in the west.
The experience in the above areas must have been gained between 1 November and 30 April while ice warnings were in force. During the experience, the presence of ice or the chance of ice must be taken into account in the internal activities. Internal activities include navigation, planning and other business operations that are part of your job.

Will my training certificate that I obtained abroad be accepted?

Yes, if this is a Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) and it was obtained in a country with which The Netherlands has a bilateral agreement. If it is a certificate of participation, it must first be converted into a CoP at the maritime authorities of the country which issued the certificate. If the certificate cannot be converted into a CoP in the country concerned, it is not possible to use this certificate.